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Oysters are all the rage at the moment. There’s even a new restaurant in San Francisco that serves nothing but oysters! But this might not seem like a big deal if you’re not into eating raw seafood (and who isn’t?). So let me tell you why I think everyone should eat these tasty: they’re delicious, an aphrodisiac, and taste great when roasted over an open fire. Plus, there’s no better way to spend a Saturday afternoon than roasting some oysters with your friends or family while drinking beer or wine at home—and here’s why:

Oysters are a superfood – in the shell and out.
Oysters are a superfood, and they’re not just in the shell. They contain zinc, selenium, copper, iron, and vitamins A, B12, D, and E. That’s right – oysters are good for you on the inside AND outside!
Oysters are also high in protein which is great for those who work hard at their jobs or play hard with friends.
Oysters are an aphrodisiac.
They are an aphrodisiac, and they’ve been known as such for centuries. The oyster come from Taylor Bay in Louisiana and have been cultivated since 1928. They’re harvested twice daily at low tide using a special rake designed for their shells, which are then processed in a nearby factory before being shipped out across the country.
In addition to their aphrodisiac properties, these lovely dish have also been known to help improve circulation and prevent arthritis pain! So if you’re looking for something to spice up your love life or want some relief from arthritis pain this Valentine’s Day (or any other time), give these beauties a actry!
You can host an oyster roast!
Oysters are a great party food—they’re cheap, easy to prepare, and have a unique flavor that other foods can’t replicate. Think about hosting an oyster roast if you’re planning a summer party or outdoor event. It’s a fun way to celebrate the end of summer (or any occasion!), and it doesn’t require much more than live oysters and your guests’ appetites.
To do this at home, all you need is:
- A fire pit or grill with charcoal briquettes
- Oysters (live or canned) stored in their shell
- A large serving plate for placing the cooked oysters on after they open up

You should eat oysters and enjoy them.
If you haven’t had an oyster before, we encourage you to try one. They’re tasty, even if they don’t look like much at first glance. Don’t let their appearance fool you! It’s also important to mention that there is no need for any preparation before eating your oyster—it’s ready right out of the shell!
Oysters are delicious. They’re a superfood, an aphrodisiac, and can even be roasted with friends. Why aren’t you eating more oyster right now?
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