4 Items From Your Kitchen To Apply On A Rash

4 Items From Your Kitchen To Apply On A Rash

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If you have an allergy, you’ve probably already learned about the importance of quick treatment. But if you’re also dealing with a rash, it’s important to know that some natural remedies can help relieve your symptoms. The following items from your kitchen will help treat rashes:

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a great natural remedy for rashes. It can be applied directly to the affected area and left on overnight or gently massaged into the skin. Coconut oil is also great at soothing itching, so you may find that it helps reduce the irritation and discomfort associated with a rash.

Using ice as an anti-rash treatment

Ice is a great way to soothe the itch when your skin has been irritated for too long and you’re itching to scratch that rash. Ice can also reduce skin swelling, which helps relieve some of the discomforts of a rash.

It’s important to note that freezing rashes is not recommended unless a doctor instructs. Avoid applying ice directly on top of your rash if you have an allergy to cold temperatures or frostbite.

To apply ice:

  • Wrap an ice cube in a paper towel or washcloth and place it on the affected area for 15-30 minutes at a time (depending on how much relief you need).

Using honey as an anti-rash treatment

Honey is a natural anti-inflammatory and antihistamine and soothes the skin. It also contains antioxidants that help heal wounds and reduce scarring, making it perfect for rashes caused by burns or cuts.

There are several ways you can use honey to treat your rash:

  • Apply the honey to your rash (as long as you don’t have an allergy). If you do have an allergy, it’s better to try another type of treatment first (listed below).
  • Apply a thin layer of honey over gauze or cotton balls; then apply this over the affected area several times throughout the day to speed up healing time.

The honey should prevent germs in your skin from causing more irritation or infection by keeping them out of reach!

Using milk and vinegar to treat rashes

Milk and vinegar can be used to treat a variety of rash-related conditions. Vinegar is acidic, which can help soften the skin and remove dead skin cells that may irritate. Milk is high in lactic acid, mineral salts, proteins, and vitamins that work together to soothe irritated skin.


So there, you have four items from your kitchen that can help treat rashes. If you decide to use this remedy, check with your doctor before doing so!

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