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With the recent surge in the amount of COVID infections, the focus has shifted back to boost immunity to ward off all major infections. Having a healthy immune system enables us to be more productive and have more fulfilling lives. Immunity depends not just on medications, and supplements but is a holistic concept. Eatfit offers easy to order meals that would help you eat healthy, without much effort! So, let’s dive right into them.
5 Recipes to Boost Immunity to keep you away from Virus
Turmeric Besan Halwa
Enriched with the goodness of Turmeric and Besan, this halwa is a perfect blend of nutrients and antioxidants to help you boost your immunity. Turmeric has been used as an immunity-boosting agent since time immemorial. It has been added to milk, curries and halwas too. Curcumin present in Turmeric acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and prevents viral replication. This halwa is very therapeutic when it comes to battling cold, cough and flu. A warm bowl of halwa will fix it all! Try it here.

Tulsi Lemonade
This perfect blend of Tulsi and Lemon will definitely make your taste buds dance while boosting your immunity. Tulsi is rich in Vitamin C and Zinc. This imparts its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties, helping it boost our immunity. Tulsi also acts as an antipyretic agent thus, helping bring down the cold in times of cold and flu. It can also be regularly added to beverages like tea for long term benefits. Lemon on the other hand has a lot of Vitamin C. This helps reduce the toxins in the blood while acting as an anti-oxidant agent. Thus, this lemonade is bound to help you take your immunity to a new high! Have a sip now!

Seasonal Fruits
Seasonal fruits are not only rich in terms of nutritive value but are cheap as well. They contain various micronutrients and macronutrients to help boost the body’s immunity. Thus, helping the body gain the trace elements that are usually missing in regular meals thus helping keep many infections at bay. They also help in keeping the body hydrated and active to help improve the functioning of the immune system. Eatfit offers fruit bowls to help you get access to good quality seasonal fruits at your doorstep, thus making it extremely easy for you to get that daily dose of Vitamins that your body really needs.

Quinoa Khichdi
This is not only vegan but an immensely nutritive meal as well! Quinoa is rich in protein thus, helping the body regenerate all the lost muscle mass during routine life or during any illness. Proteins are very important for cell growth and regeneration in the body. Beans and carrots present in this khichdi contain loads of micronutrients and anti-oxidants. The anti-oxidants help remove the reduced, reactive radicals from the body thus, ensuring that there are lesser toxic materials within to interfere with the functioning of the immune system.

Fruit Pop Oatmeal Bowl
This bowl contains a good amount of oatmeal, which is shown to have a rich nutritive value. Beta-glucan found in oats is said to boost the production of white blood cells which are the primary soldiers when it comes to fighting back infection. Oats also contain Selenium and Zinc, the two micronutrients that are very essential when it comes to fighting back infection. It also contains raisins, seeds, dates and seasonal fruits amongst many other immunity-boosting agents. Honey and dates can be used to sweeten oatmeal as they contain natural sugars thus, reducing sugar intake. This helps boost your immunity and ward off infections sooner than you think!

Conclusion: Boost immunity and beat winter colds with vitamins and supplements.
Thus, by adding these foods into your diet on a regular basis, you can definitely boost your immunity. Immunity plays a very important role in maintenance of your holistic health and keeping infections at bay. In today’s competitive and fast-paced world, you cannot afford to waste even a single day or you risk falling behind.
The most effective way to grow professionally is to ensure that you stay productive and at pace with everyone else. The easiest way to ensure the same is by maintaining a healthy immune system to ensure that your body has enough arsenal when it comes to fighting back infections. Eatfit has helped simplify the concept of healthy eating as you get healthy, nutritious food delivered to your doorstep, just the way you like it! So what are you waiting for? Check out their meal options right away!