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When I mention tomato puree, what’s the first thing that comes to mind. A tin filled with pureed tomatoes, right? Credit where it’s due, it’s easy and quick to use the tinned tomato puree. But, is it really worth it?

Now I’m not here to get all science-y and talk vitamins so let’s get that out of the way already. Canned food isn’t always necessarily unhealthy. Sometimes, canning may even help preserve some vitamins like vitamin A, D, E, and K.
At the same time though, canned food contains small amounts of BPA, the chemical used to preserve food. Too much of this chemical can cause health problems like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and male sexual dysfunction.

Your canned food may also contain added sugar, salt, or preservatives. This isn’t much of an issue for a lot of people, but patients with high blood pressure have to bear the consequences. Moreover, it also contains a deadly bacteria called Clostridium botulinum. This bacteria with a super confusing name can cause paralysis or even death.

Keeping all this aside, canned food spoils the fun of cooking from scratch. I’m pretty sure everyone has a memory of sitting with a parent or a grandparent and removing peas from their shells. That step is practically gone if you whip out a can of peas. Plus you’d be lying if you said that canned food somehow tastes better than food made with fresh ingredients.

Apologies if I came across as grumpy, but I think a valid point has been made. After all, fresh ingredients are the reason “maa ke haath ka khana” tastes the way it does! Now, who doesn’t like that right? *Alexa cue nostalgic music*