How much coffee is too much in a day?

How much coffee is too much in a day

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Want to know how much coffee is too much? According to science, it’s five cups per day. While that may seem like a lot (and it is), plenty of people will drink more than five cups without batting an eye—myself included. But if you’re looking to keep your caffeine consumption in check, it’s best to start tracking how many cups of caffine you’re drinking throughout the day.

How much coffee is too much?

The recommended limit for coffee is 3-4 cups per day, as stated by the Mayo Clinic. According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who drank more than 5 cups of coffee each day were twice as likely to die from any cause than those who did not drink coffee at all or only occasionally.

The National Health Service (NHS) recommends that 2-3 cups of coffee be consumed daily, not exceeding 300mg of caffeine daily. This equates to about four 8 oz cups of coffee or three 12 oz cans of cola.

The International Society for Sports Nutrition suggests that 1-2 cups of coffee should be consumed daily if you’re looking for an energy boost during your workout session – but make sure it’s low in calories and fat!

What happens when you drink too much coffee?

When you drink too much cafe, you may experience some unfavourable side effects. These include:

  • Headache
  • Anxiety
  • Nervousness
  • Irritability
  • Restlessness and tremors

If you’re worried about any of these symptoms, it’s best to consult with your doctor.

Is drinking more than the recommended limit necessarily bad for your health?

Caffeine varies from cup to cup, but most caffeinated beverages contain roughly 100mg per 8oz serving. A standard serving size is around 8 ounces, which is about the same size as a can of soda.

The recommended limit is 300mg of caffeine daily, meaning you should drink no more than 3-4 cans of soda a day if you want to stay under the limit. That’s one can every 4 hours or so—not precisely hard math!

If you’re looking to keep your caffeine consumption in check, it’s best to start tracking how many cups of coffee you drink throughout the day.

It’s essential to record how much coffee you drink in a day, especially if you’re trying to cut down on your caffeine intake. It can be easy to underestimate how much caffeine we consume daily since most people don’t think about what they drink outside the morning cup. How much coffee is too much? To track your caffine consumption:

  • Track every cup of coffee (with or without milk) you drink throughout the day.
  • Keep track of how many cups are made or purchased at restaurants.
  • Write down any other caffeinated beverages (i.e., soda or energy drinks).

You can also ask yourself questions about when you last had cafe and whether any patterns could indicate an issue with over-consuming caffeine drinks, such as an inability to sleep enough, restlessness during the night, racing thoughts or feelings of anxiety.


In conclusion, there is such a thing as too much coffee. But if you’re worried about the health effects of your caffeine consumption, it’s best to keep track of how much coffee you drink throughout the day.

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