How To Eat Healthy During Diwali

Eat Healthy During Diwali

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The festival of Lights, Diwali is almost here. The festival celebration marks the beginning of endless celebrations, sweet & gift exchange, and late-night parties featuring irresistible food. We all get tempted when we get a glimpse of the delicious looking Diwali sweets and crunchy Diwali snacks. No matter how hard we try to avoid these Diwali delights, most of us find it really hard to stay in control.

In fact, a few words of persuasion from family or friends is enough to get us to eat these delicious sweets and snacks. However, no one can blame you for enjoying Diwali delights, but it is important to have a control on what you are eating. This will help you to avoid overeating and gaining a few pounds. Here are a few more tips and suggestions on how to eat healthy during Diwali. 

Eat Healthy During Diwali

Eat Homemade Sweets 

One of the simple tricks that can help you cut down the intake of large amounts of calories is to eat homemade sweets. Buying sweets from shops or markets may seem like the easiest thing you can do. However, you won’t be able to know what ingredients are used in the sweets. This is why it is better to prepare homemade sweets and snacks. 

You will be able to limit the use of oil, ghee, sugar, and other ingredients when you are preparing sweets at home. Fortunately, there are plenty of Diwali sweets recipes that you can easily prepare at home with a handful of ingredients. 

Avoid Fried Snacks And Other Foods From Shops

We all have the tendency to try fried snacks and other fried foods from shops. This is something you should try to avoid if you are trying not to gain weight during Diwali. Moreover, several shops often reuse the same oil to prepare snacks, which is unhealthy. The reuse of oil may result in the creation of free radicals that can cause severe harm to your body. 

The good news is that making snacks at home will help you to eat and stay healthy. In fact, you will also be able to have a better control on what you are eating. Here are some of the best and easy to prepare Diwali snacks that you should check out. 

Stay Hydrated

It is important to drink water regularly to keep yourself hydrated. If you are someone who drinks fizzy cold drinks, then it will surely leave you dehydrated and it may also increase your calorie intake. Water has the ability to clear toxic chemicals and uric acids from your body. 

If the uric acid level in your body is high, you will start craving for sweets and sugary delights. Lemon or buttermilk juice will help you to keep the uric acid level in control. Also, you should consider avoiding alcohol if you are seriously trying to lose weight. 

Try Not To Skip Meals

Diwali is a busy time and the excitement can often get in way of our eating schedules too. Most of us often end up skipping meals while others save up for delicious Diwali treats when attending a party. Skipping meals will only make things worse. In fact, you will be really hungry and may end up eating a lot more. 

Opt For Healthier Alternatives

It is best to eat on time and avoid skipping meals if you want to stay healthy during the Diwali season. One of the major advantages of eating meals on time is that it will make your stomach full. As a result, your brain will give you the signal on not to eat more. 

It is true that Diwali is the time to enjoy traditional snacks and sweets. However, it would be really good if you can switch to healthier alternatives like dry nuts and fruits. You will be able to cut down the intake of several calories if you choose nuts, fruits, cashews, almonds, and figs instead of sweets. 

You can surely enjoy a couple of traditional Diwali delights. However, if you are able to limit them to one or two, you will be able to meet your fitness related goals. Do not deprive you off your favorite Diwali snacks & recipes, do enjoy the, but eat them in smaller portions. 

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