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”Sugar is the sociopath of foods”. It acts sweet, but it’s really poison! We know that cutting down on sugar can be a big task, but who said that it’s impossible? Say yes to sweet treats and no to compromising! Here we bring the 6 best alternatives for refined sugar that will fulfill all your sugar cravings minus the harm and guilt! Say yes to these healthier options and get started on a healthier journey!
Coconut Sugar
High in fructose, unrefined coconut sugar can be your go-to option if you are addicted to putting heaps of sugar in your food! This extremely sweet, natural sweetener is packed with calcium, potassium, iron, and zinc. It is extracted from coconut sap and is believed to have a lower glycemic index than sugar.
Rich in antioxidants, honey is one of the oldest alternatives for sugar. A good source of fructose, honey tastes delicious in smoothies, shakes, bakery confectioneries, syrups, marinades, and salad dressings. It can be a good starter to your journey of cutting down sugar!
Even though jaggery is just another type of sugar, it is high in its nutrient profile as compared to sugar. Normally considered a slightly better option, it is comparatively healthier as it aids in flushing out toxins. You can also add jaggery into your diet if you are seeking to lose weight and speed up your metabolism.
Source; Practo
Stevia is a highly popularized plant-extracted little-to-low calorie sweetener that can be enjoyed in various forms. Moreover, according to research stevia may help in controlling blood sugar, lowering blood pressure, and controlling hypertension. You can use it in powdered/liquid form.
Muscovado (Desi Khand)
Muscovado/desi khand is a type of raw sugar that is traditionally produced in India. In addition to being sweet, this indigenous granulated sugar is also healthy, natural, and chemical-free. Unlike sugar, which is processed using refined methods, traditional desi khand is full of nutrients and is rich in calcium, magnesium, fiber, vitamins, and iron.
The plus point is that you can have it in anything, from your cup of tea to your favourite Indian mithai!

A natural sweetener, dates can be an excellent alternative to sugar. The naturally present fructose makes dates sweeter than sugar and thus it is much healthier as compared to chemically processed refined white sugar. Its unique caramel flavor is apt for baking purposes. Use them raw or infuse them in the form of date sugar.
So the next time you are craving something sweet, opt-in for these healthy alternatives and ditch that sugar guilt!