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Peanuts are the most commonly consumed variant of nuts and are also known as ‘groundnuts’. They can be consumed raw, roasted, flavoured and are even widely used in many recipes like in some kinds of pasta, peanut butter, milkshakes etc. They can also be simply roasted and mixed in flavours like pepper, herbs, or even simple salt. However, eating these nuts in the rawest form can help you in many ways.

Some of the benefits of eating peanuts every day are-
- Helps in growth-
Peanuts are highly rich in proteins. This helps them in boosting growth in children through proper body development. They can be even used in your child’s snacks like a peanut butter sandwich, cookies, or just give them as a snack every day, while they are still raw.
- Fighting stomach cancer-
Poly-phenolic anti-oxidants are highly present in these nuts. These help in fighting cancerous symptoms in the stomach. The risky growth of cancerous agents is reduced.
- Regulating blood sugar-
Peanuts help in regulating your blood sugar! This is due to the high presence of manganese in the nuts. Manganese helps in regulating the blood sugar levels and also by boosting metabolism.
- Fighting depression-
Peanuts contain tryptophan which helps in reducing the levels of depression and anxiety in you. Tryptophan eliminates low serotonin, which is one of the major reasons for depression. An ounce of it a day can boost up your mood for the day.
- Protecting skin-
They also contain a high level of Vitamin E which protects from skin damage. These nuts help in increasing cell integrity. Higher the cell integrity, lesser the skin damage.
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