Top 5 foods for yoga to heal your soul on INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY!

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‘The more you bend, the less you break ‘ is the saying when it comes to yoga. June 21st is witnessed as International Yoga Day and India is always at the top of the game when it comes to Yoga. Here is a list of top 5 foods for yoga for an intense yogic like you.

  • Dark green leafy vegetables-

Leafy vegetables

Dark leafy veggies like spinach, lettuce and broccoli are rich in vitamins like A, C, K etc. and also contain high levels of iron, magnesium and fibre among many others. A yogic diet with these goodies helps us in protecting our cells, strengthening our bones and also helps in achieving a healthy body weight.  Many yummy recipes can be made out of these fine green veggies like salads, soups, and in some cases even energy drinks; which is why this is listed first for the top 5 foods for yoga.

  • Quinoa-


Quinoa is a flowering plant and is botanically related to spinach and amaranth. It is very nutritious as it contains a good amount of fibre, carbohydrates and protein among others.  It also helps in achieving weight loss, healthy bones and also in repairing tissues.

  • Fruits-

Top 5 foods for yoga

Although it sounds cliché, fresh fruits are a very important part of your yogic diet. Fruits contain high levels of vitamins, minerals and fibre among many others. When you stretch out for an hour of the day make sure you have a fruit because it helps us in boosting energy, maintaining healthy bones, and also in losing weight.

  • Lemon water-

Lemon water

If you are into yoga it’s better to have warm lemon water although it can be consumed both warm and cold. Lemons, apart from the fact that it tastes good, contain folates, potassium, and most importantly vitamin C. It helps us in staying hydrated, maintaining a healthy weight, and also in reducing muscle pains.

  • Tofu-


Soy milk is processed and curdled to make Tofu. It contains proteins, magnesium and calcium and can be used in preparing many tasty and healthy recipes like scrambled tofu, wraps and even curries. Further, it helps in maintaining bone density and also helps in weight loss.

A  healthy diet of our top 5 foods for yoga, helps us in healing our soul and also lead us to an active life.

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