Why exactly is a tomato considered a fruit but not a vegetable?

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The tomato is an edible fruit often referred to as a vegetable. While some debate whether the tomato is a fruit or vegetable, there’s no scientific doubt. The truth is that this delicious food item is a berry—a sweet, fleshy fruit with seeds inside of it that grows off the ovary of its flower (like apples). So why do we call it a vegetable? Well, we tend to separate fruits from vegetables in our daily lives. And for those who believe tomatoes should be classified as vegetables based on their nutritional content: technically speaking, most vegetables are also fruits!

A tomato, scientifically speaking, is a “fruit.” It’s an edible berry containing seeds.

A tomato, scientifically speaking, is a “fruit.” It’s an edible berry containing seeds.

So why do you consider tomatoes as fruits? A fruit is the fleshy part of a flowering plant, consisting of the ovary or ovaries. Associating parts with a plant’s seeds they develop. In other words, it’s where the baby plants grow from. If you’ve seen pictures of plants growing from their seeds in class or on Instagram (and if not, check out @plants_for_the_insta), then you’ve probably noticed how juicy and colourful they can be—just like tomatoes!

A tomato is a fruit because it grows from the flower’s ovary and contains seeds. However, there are some exceptions to this.

A tomato is a fruit because it grows from the flower’s ovary and contains seeds. However, there are some exceptions to this. For example, if you were to remove all tomato seeds and use their skin as a protective cover for other food items (like in lasagna), that we consider a vegetable.

Tomatoes are berries because they have many small seeds inside their fleshy fruit, which makes them similar to strawberries or blueberries in terms of structure and appearance. They also have no bone structure like carrots; therefore, they’re not vegetables!

Many people find it confusing when they see tomatoes at grocery stores being selling vegetables but don’t worry — tomatoes might look like vegetables, but they’re actually fruits!

Nowadays, people use both words interchangeably because there isn’t much difference between them besides taste preference which may be different depending on where one lives due to growing conditions affecting flavour preferences.”

All true berries do not contain internal septa, which are partitions between chambers in the ovaries of flowering plants. And all tomatoes contain these internal septa.

The tomato is popularly called fruit because it contains seeds. The tomato grows from the flower’s ovary, which is another reason it’s considered a fruit. It also has seeds and is sweet, two other characteristics of fruits. The fruit skin can be eaten, but most people just throw this away when they cut into their tomatoes.

The skin and flesh are usually eaten together as part of a meal or snack item like salad or pizza (which also contain other vegetables).


So there you have it—the big secret behind tomato. To sum up, tomatoes are fruits because they grow from a flower’s ovary and contain seeds. It’s also important to note that not all fruits are sweet and fleshy, like apples or bananas. Tomatoes fit this description perfectly!

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